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On Writing Lily

On Writing Lily

So I’ve mentioned before my project that I call the “Lily Project”, over at  It is a work of serial fiction, about a sixteen year old girl who has lost her memories and is trying to make her way in the world with that significant handicap – or is it a blessing?  It’s told from her perspective, as if she’s writing a diary.  I’ve been writing her for over a year now, with nearly daily entries, and quite honestly, it’s the one thing I’ve been able to stick with… Read More »On Writing Lily

Shut Up and Dance

If there’s one thing I’m sick of right now, it’s celebrities thinking they have anything useful to say on any political topic.  They don’t.  By and large, their opinions are uninformed, ignorant, and even stupid.  They gained an audience or fanbase by doing whatever art they do (and maybe even competently) and then try to mobilize that base for whatever asinine political idea they get in their head. Celebrities, and particularly celebrities of the artist kind, should just shut up and dance, or sing, or whatever they do. Recently, an… Read More »Shut Up and Dance

Abe Shinzo: Why Gun Control Fails

Today (or yesterday, depending), Abe Shinzo was assassinated.  Abe Shinzo, for those who don’t know, was a fairly beloved prime minister of Japan for quite a long time.  To be honest, that, apart from his name, is the only thing I know about him, so I’ll leave memorialization and mourning for those who knew him better.  All murders are awful, of course, but I don’t virtue signal by mourning when I’m not at all affected. But for me, it is interesting to note that the person who committed the act made… Read More »Abe Shinzo: Why Gun Control Fails

The Ignorance of Leftists

And I really do think it’s deliberate. I’m going to be talking about some rather (comparatively) deep topics regarding the United States, what it is, and how the constitution works.  If you’re not interested, please skip.  If you are, read on, you might find it interesting.  Unless you’re a leftist.  Then you’ll probably put your fingers in your ears and yell “LALALALA” There was a time when basic civics was a required topic in school.  Yeah, it had a bunch of stupid things in it, like reciting the Pledge of… Read More »The Ignorance of Leftists

Why I Will Not Date Selfish American Women

I am a man (though who knows what that means anymore).  I am in my mid 40s.  I live in America.  I haven’t dated in ten years.  And I will never date an American woman again. And this whole recent kerfluffle about Roe vs. Wade just solidifies why. So, before I start, let me say a few things about what I’m not saying.  I’m not saying I’m an “incel”.  I don’t like that word and I don’t take it.  Particularly with the word “involuntary”, it has a connotation of someone who… Read More »Why I Will Not Date Selfish American Women

Nobody Cares Anymore

I have a confession to make.  Well, is it a confession?  I guess it’s something you didn’t know that you will in a few seconds. I hate misspelling, mispronunciation (with caveats), and bad grammar. What I particularly hate is that no one seems to even care about misspelling, mispronunciation, and bad grammar.  To the point where it’s to be found quite regularly in YouTube thumbnails and ad copy.  It’s like no one bothers to do proofreading anymore. In fact, one time I had the absolute temerity to correct someone’s Japanese pronunciation… Read More »Nobody Cares Anymore


The word of the day is “parasocial”.  I don’t know if I’ll continue to have a “word of the day”, but there’s one for today.  I decree it. YouTube comments are a cesspool. I think the reason for this is, about 95% of the time, they fit into two molds.  Needlessly critical, or annoyingly fawning.  Whenever I go to a YouTube channel, and read the comments, I’ll see hundreds of comments that say nothing but “you’re great” or “you’re wonderful”, in much more flowery language.  Often the creator doesn’t bother… Read More »Parasocial

Roe vs. Wade: Living by the Courts

So, how could I not write about the biggest news to come out of US politics today.  For my international readers (of which probably all of you are), Roe vs. Wade was a ruling written in 1973 by the Supreme Court of the time that basically said that there is a constitutional right to abortions and the states can’t restrict them. This morning, that ruling was reversed. Now, as you might have gathered, I think this on balance was a good thing, and I have believed that this ruling (as… Read More »Roe vs. Wade: Living by the Courts

Gay Marriage: Serving Death

How’s that for a provocative title?  Well, hear me out.  I’m probably not quite going where you think I am. So this topic was brought to mind by the fact that a court in Japan has spoken out against gay marriage.  Gay marriage, of course, being defined as a legal and/or spiritual union between two men or two women that is in every way equivalent to a marriage between a man and a woman. I’m not talking about civil unions or other legal fictions that are designed to give gay people… Read More »Gay Marriage: Serving Death

Fluency in Language and Music

One things that people don’t know about me is that I am – or at least was at one time – a pretty accomplished pianist.  I’ve played professionally.  Specifically, in the community theater productions of a small town in Iowa.  Long story. But last night I was just playing around on the piano – I’ve given up practicing and performing a while ago – and I realized that being proficient at the piano is not that much different than being proficient at a language, such as Japanese.  You put in… Read More »Fluency in Language and Music