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I am now going to, quite deliberately, touch a third rail. In my country, there are quite a few people who have taken one of the three available vaccines (and they are not the same vaccines that may be available in your country). We have available the Pfizer, the Moderna, and the Johnson & Johnson. They have been approved under an “emergency authorization” by the FDA. This means they don’t have full approval and it can be rescinded at any time, but it has been judged by the FDA to… Read More »Vaccines

This Site is Moving

Hi again, everyone. To follow on my previous post (see Changes Coming) I am going to be moving this site off of the platform onto a self-hosted platform. This comes with a few advantages to me, most of which relate to site theming, configurability, and reliability. It’s going to be a lot of work on my side, but I think it will be worth it in the end. I am able to migrate subscribers, so I will be doing that. So there should be no effort required on your… Read More »This Site is Moving

Screw the Olympics. But not Simone Biles.

You might think it odd that for a supposedly Japan focused blog such as this one, that I haven’t brought up the Olympics. There’s a simple reason for that. I couldn’t care less. I will acknowledge that those who are participating in the Olympics are generally the cream of the crop, athletically. I also have little to no respect for athletic prowess. That’s not borne of jealousy, it’s borne of apathy. Athletics is making the human body do things. Congratulations, I guess, that you can run or jump or whatever… Read More »Screw the Olympics. But not Simone Biles.

Changes Coming

I have been a busy bee lately. I have mentioned that this blog goes all over the place. I realize it, and I even see it as a problem. I haven’t been quite sure what to do about it, but it’s pretty clear I have to do something. Over the next couple of weeks, I am moving all of my social justice related posts over to a new blog. That blog is created specifically for that purpose, and is designed to provide me much greater anonymity than I have on… Read More »Changes Coming

Out of my Comfort Zone

I have begun a new project. I am debating telling y’all where to find it, because I am deliberately keeping my identity as separate from it as possible. So for right now, I will describe it, but not directly point you to it. In practice, it would be hard to connect me to it because it’s hard to connect me to this, bit it’s the principle of the thing. I am becoming a vtuber. My character is a teenage girl who has lost all of her memory and is now… Read More »Out of my Comfort Zone

Unwilling Salvation

I live in an apartment complex. In this complex there are lots of trees, and a rather large, noisy, and prolifically poop generating population of several different breeds of birds that live in those trees. Generally I like having the birds around, even if they do increase my car wash budget. This morning, as I was taking a walk around around the complex as I do every morning (and mostly hating it, but that’s life) I came across a flopping mass of bird on the pavement, surrounded by a couple… Read More »Unwilling Salvation

James Talarico Should be Fired

You may have heard in the news that a bunch of Texas representatives have left the state rather than vote on a “voting rights” bill. James Talarico is one of them. He is also my state representative. Which means I get to vote for him. Or, in this case, against. As my state representative, it is his job to represent me. Not run away like a coward because the legislature might vote for a bill he doesn’t like. At this point, he should lose his job. If I didn’t show… Read More »James Talarico Should be Fired

Why I am not Concerned about Climate Change

I haven’t talked much about climate change on this blog. The reason for that is, unlike some other more pressing social issues, it’s just not something I’m concerned about. Is carbon dioxide increasing? Yeah. Is climate change a thing? Maybe. Is anthropogenic climate change a thing? Maybe. I’m not a scientist, and I don’t trust scientists or anyone else to give me unbiased answers to that question, so it’s a big “I don’t know”. But the truth is, even if I was sure it were a thing, I’d still be… Read More »Why I am not Concerned about Climate Change


A few days ago, WordPress notified me that I have more than 500 likes on this blog. Of course, I am appreciative that people like this blog enough to like posts, follow, and even occasionally comment. I am not a good blogger. I am all over the place in topic, basically just writing whatever I feel like at any given time. I’m unfiltered – I probably share too much, and I suck at formatting it into a cohesive package. The time I tried, with the 5 Reasons J-Pop sucks post,… Read More »500 Likes.

4 Rules for Life

Hey, y’all. Want some rules for life? It’s not exhaustive, but I promise if you take these to heart your life will be better than if you didn’t. Rule 1: Cheaters Always Cheat Here’s something I don’t understand: why someone will be with someone who will cheat on someone else to be with you. They’ve already proven they’re a cheater. Why, then, does it surprise you when they cheat on you? You already know exactly what kind of person you’re involved with. They will cheat on you. There is no… Read More »4 Rules for Life