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Please pardon me a post that’s a little more political than I usually make on this blog. As with my Christian posts, I don’t proselytize, I try to see things as objectively as I can, but sometimes things just have to be said, and at least for right now, this is as good a place as I can think to say what I want. If you’re not interested in US politics, or more specifically a center-right dissertation on US politics, please feel free to skip this post with my blessing.… Read More »Lamentations

What the Supreme Court just Told us

Today, the Supreme Court of the United Ststes released a ruling that stated, 9 to 0, that the city of Philadelphia cannot discriminate against a Catholic adoption agency because they won’t adopt to same sex couples. The ruling itself is kind of expected. The 9 to 0 lineup of justices was not. For those who are not familiar with the US Supreme Court (and that probably includes most Americans reading this too, because most Americans are ignorant, low information voters who think they’re intelligent and savvy), the court is made… Read More »What the Supreme Court just Told us