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Being a Majime Blogger

I have been fighting with myself over the content of this post for over a day now. So, rather than try to force myself into a mold, I’m going to make this post about the difficulties of being a blogger. Or at least, a blogger while having my particular personality. I know, on paper, what it takes to be a successful blogger and/or entertainer. It’s summed up as “give the people what they want”. I would figure out what you guys/gals/eh would like to see, and then provide it. I’m… Read More »Being a Majime Blogger


When I was a teenager, I used to attend what could laughably be called a Bible Study. I say “laughable”, because it was for teenagers, and I may have been the only person in that room with a Bible, and ready to study.  I didn’t know what that meant, but that was the purpose of the meeting, and so, I was ready to do what was necessary. That did not happen, though.  They did everything but.  They played stupid games, they announced social events, they did absolutely everything but study the… Read More »Majime