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Chinchin: Why translations suck

There is a pun in Japanese that doesn’t exist in English, and it’s related to the word “chinchin”. This word has two meanings.  The first is related to the action of a dog begging (“his chinchin is very cute”).  The second is a rather childish word for a male reproductive part (probably an abbreviation of “chinpo”). This is a pun that doesn’t translate well. It’s because there aren’t very good word choices that fit both meanings. There are two anime which use this pun that I know of.  The first… Read More »Chinchin: Why translations suck

The Biggest Hang-Up in Learning Japanese (In My Opinion)

I’ve been studying Japanese for years now.  Yes, I probably could get farther if I started studying much more seriously, and honestly, I really should.  But I’ve been studying long enough to become familiar with the language in the way beginners aren’t – even though my grammar and vocabulary are still fairly substandard.  There are some things you just pick up by exposure.  In this way, even though I’m only N5 level, I think I do have some advantages over beginners. One of the biggest advantages is that I have come… Read More »The Biggest Hang-Up in Learning Japanese (In My Opinion)

Why I Hate Anime Dubs

I hate anime dubs.  I mean I really can’t stand them.  I’ve tried to watch one or two, and I always end up dropping it after a few episodes.  Subtitles are far better in my opinion. Is this because I’m an elitist who thinks that the anime is only good in its native language? Well… that’s true, but that’s not why I hate anime dubs.  It’s close, but not really. Is it because I’m upset at the localizers for fucking up the dubs? Well, I am, but that’s not why… Read More »Why I Hate Anime Dubs