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August 2024

The Biggest Hang-Up in Learning Japanese (In My Opinion)

I’ve been studying Japanese for years now.  Yes, I probably could get farther if I started studying much more seriously, and honestly, I really should.  But I’ve been studying long enough to become familiar with the language in the way beginners aren’t – even though my grammar and vocabulary are still fairly substandard.  There are some things you just pick up by exposure.  In this way, even though I’m only N5 level, I think I do have some advantages over beginners. One of the biggest advantages is that I have come… Read More »The Biggest Hang-Up in Learning Japanese (In My Opinion)

I don’t trust translators.

I haven’t posted here in a while.  That will probably continue.  The fact of the matter is, this particular blog was me overstepping myself.  I like to write about things, particularly things that interest me, and Japanese interests me.  But, I was talking about a lot of stuff I really didn’t know much about, and I guess it showed.  Maybe that’s how things work, but it’s embarrassing. I mentioned in the past, in posts that may or may not still be on this particular blog, that I didn’t know why… Read More »I don’t trust translators.